Understanding the Different Types of Ads on LinkedIn

LinkedIn has become a key platform for businesses to reach a professional audience, and one of the most effective ways to do so is through advertising. With various types of ads available on the platform, it’s important for businesses to understand the different options and how to utilize them effectively. In this article, we’ll explore the types of ads on LinkedIn, including the various ad formats, design, and specifications. Whether you’re new to advertising on LinkedIn or looking to improve your current campaigns, this article will provide valuable insights into advertising options on the platform.

What are the different types of ads on LinkedIn?

LinkedIn has developed a sophisticated advertising platform that caters to the needs of businesses seeking to increase their visibility, generate leads, or recruit top talent. Each ad type is designed with specific objectives in mind, making it essential to choose the right format for your campaign. Let’s explore the key ad formats available on LinkedIn:

Single Image Ad

A tablet and phone displaying the social media page of a business for easy access.

Single-image ads, often the go-to choice for many advertisers, are a staple in LinkedIn’s advertising arsenal. These ads appear directly in the LinkedIn feed, seamlessly integrating with organic content. They are versatile, allowing businesses to promote their brand, products, or services with a compelling image, a catchy headline, and a brief description. Ideal for driving traffic to your landing page or LinkedIn company page, single-image ads are a straightforward yet effective way to catch the eye of LinkedIn members.


Introductory text: up to 150 characters
Headline: up to 70 characters
Image: 1200 x 627px


Carousel Image Ads take the visual engagement a notch higher by allowing advertisers to showcase multiple images in a single ad unit. Users can swipe through a series of images, making this format perfect for storytelling, highlighting different products, or explaining a process step-by-step. Carousel Ads encourage user interaction and can lead to higher engagement rates, making them an excellent choice for advertisers aiming to provide a deeper insight into their offerings.


Introductory text: up to 255 characters
Images: 1080 x 1080px, 2 to 10 cards
Headline: Up to 45 characters when directing to a
landing page Up to 30 characters for Lead Gen Form CTA

Video Ad

A screenshot of LinkedIn's new mobile app interface, featuring a sleek design and user-friendly navigation.

In the age of visual storytelling, Video Ads on LinkedIn offer a dynamic way to engage with your audience. These ads allow you to convey your message more profoundly through moving images, sound, and text, offering a richer ad experience. Whether it’s showcasing your brand’s story, demonstrating a product, or sharing customer testimonials, Video Ads can significantly increase engagement and recall. Given their powerful impact, incorporating Video Ads into your LinkedIn strategy can lead to better conversion rates and brand awareness.


Introductory text: up to 150 characters
Headline: up to 70 characters
Duration: 3 seconds to 30 minutes (most successful video ads are <15 seconds)
File format: MP4

Text Ad

A professional networking platform for businesses, LinkedIn offers tools for marketing, recruitment, and networking.

Text Ads are a more traditional form of advertising on LinkedIn, appearing on the right rail or at the top of the LinkedIn feed. They are typically less expensive than other ad formats and are ideal for driving targeted traffic to your website or LinkedIn page. With a concise headline, a small image, and a brief description, Text Ads are a straightforward yet effective way to reach your desired audience, especially when targeting specific job titles or company names.


Headline: up to 25 characters
Description: up to 75 characters
Images (optional): 100 x 100px

Dynamic Ad

Professional headshot of a person in business attire, smiling at the camera.

Dynamic Ads stand out by personalizing the ad content for each viewer, utilizing the user’s LinkedIn profile data. These ads can serve various purposes, such as promoting your LinkedIn Page (Follower Ads), spotlighting individual products or services (Spotlight Ads), or even personalized job ads (Job Ads). The personalization aspect of Dynamic Ads can lead to higher engagement rates, as ads are tailored to the viewer’s profile, making them feel more relevant and compelling.


Headline: up to 50 characters
Call to action (CTA) text: up to 18 characters
Company logo: 100 x 100px

Sponsored Messaging on LinkedIn is a unique ad type designed to facilitate direct conversations with your potential clients or audience. It’s all about making that personal connection, allowing us to engage with people in a space they frequently visit – their messaging inbox. This format includes two primary types: Message Ads and Conversation Ads. Let’s break down each one to see how they can be leveraged to achieve your marketing objectives.

Message Ad

Two iPhones displaying Facebook Messenger app interface.

Message Ads, formerly known as Sponsored InMail, allow us to send direct messages to our target audience on LinkedIn. These messages appear in your recipient’s LinkedIn inbox, making them feel personal and tailored. What sets Message Ads apart is their ability to bypass email filters and directly reach a user’s inbox, ensuring higher visibility and engagement rates.

When crafting a Message Ad, it’s crucial to keep the content concise, engaging, and action-oriented. With a clear call-to-action (CTA), these ads can significantly boost conversions, whether it’s registering for an event, downloading a whitepaper, or signing up for a free trial. Remember, the key to success with Message Ads is personalization; by tailoring your message to the recipient’s job title, industry, or interests, you increase the relevance and effectiveness of your ad.


Sender: up to 30 characters
Subject line: up to 60 characters
Message text: up to 1,500 characters
Image size: 300 x 250px

Conversation Ad

Two screens displaying the email signup page side by side.

Taking the concept of direct messaging a step further, Conversation Ads introduce an interactive element to Sponsored Messaging. These ads invite recipients to engage in a “choose your own adventure” style conversation, offering multiple response options that lead to different follow-up messages. This interactive format not only boosts engagement but also allows for a more personalized ad experience, guiding the user through a tailored journey based on their choices.

Conversation Ads are perfect for businesses looking to nurture leads, educate prospects about their products or services, or gather feedback. By providing a series of options, you can cater to various interests or needs, making each conversation feel customized and relevant. Plus, the data collected from these interactions can offer valuable insights into your audience’s preferences and behaviors, helping you refine your marketing strategies.

CTA buttons: up to 5
CTA text: up to 25 characters
Message text: up to 500 characters
Image size: 300 x 250px

Which LinkedIn ad formats are most effective?

1. Sponsored Content

  • Best for: Building brand awareness, driving website traffic, and generating leads.
  • Why it’s effective: Sponsored Content appears directly in the LinkedIn feed, making it less intrusive and more likely to engage users as they scroll through their updates. This format supports images, videos, and carousels, offering versatility in how content is presented.

2. Message Ads and Conversation Ads (Sponsored Messaging)

  • Best for: Directly engaging with target audiences, personalized messaging, and lead generation.
  • Why it’s effective: These ads deliver messages straight to users’ LinkedIn inboxes, ensuring visibility. The personal touch can lead to higher engagement rates, especially for B2B marketing campaigns that benefit from direct communication.

3. Dynamic Ads

  • Best for: Personalized advertising, follower growth for your LinkedIn Page, and job advertising.
  • Why it’s effective: Dynamic Ads use LinkedIn profile data to personalize the ad for each viewer, making the content more relevant and engaging. Personalization at this level can significantly increase the chances of conversion.

4. Text Ads

  • Best for: Cost-effective targeting and driving traffic to your website or LinkedIn page.
  • Why it’s effective: Text Ads appear at the top and right-hand side of the LinkedIn feed, offering a more budget-friendly option for businesses. They’re particularly useful for targeting specific demographics with straightforward messaging.

5. Video Ads

  • Best for: Engaging storytelling, showcasing company culture or products, and increasing brand awareness.
  • Why it’s effective: Video content is highly engaging and can convey complex messages in a digestible format. Video Ads on LinkedIn can capture attention in the feed, making them powerful tools for deeper engagement and storytelling.

Choosing the Most Effective LinkedIn Ad Type

The “most effective” ad type depends greatly on your campaign’s objectives, your target audience, and the content you’re sharing. For example:

  • For Lead Generation: Sponsored Messaging and Sponsored Content with lead gen forms can be particularly effective.
  • For Brand Awareness: Sponsored Content and Video Ads are excellent for telling your brand’s story and reaching a wide audience.
  • For Traffic Generation: Text Ads and Sponsored Content can drive users to your website or landing page efficiently.


Leveraging the different types of ads available on LinkedIn offers a unique opportunity to connect with your target audience in a professional context. Whether your goal is to build brand awareness, generate leads, drive website traffic, or directly engage with potential clients, there’s a LinkedIn ad format that fits your needs. From the broad reach of Sponsored Content and the engaging power of Video Ads to the personalized touch of Sponsored Messaging and the targeted efficiency of Text and Dynamic Ads, each ad type serves a specific purpose in your digital marketing strategy. By understanding the strengths of each format and aligning them with your campaign objectives, you can craft compelling LinkedIn ad campaigns that resonate with your audience and drive meaningful results. As we move forward, embracing these diverse advertising options on LinkedIn will be key to enhancing your brand’s visibility, fostering meaningful connections, and achieving your marketing goals in the digital age.


  1. What are the different ad types on LinkedIn?

    LinkedIn offers several ad types, including Sponsored Content, which appears directly in the feed and can be in the form of images, videos, or carousels; Sponsored Messaging, allowing direct engagement with users through their inbox; Text Ads, which are simple, cost-effective, and appear on the LinkedIn sidebar; and Dynamic Ads, personalized ads that automatically customize content for individual users.

  2. Which ads are most effective on LinkedIn?

    The effectiveness of LinkedIn ads varies based on campaign goals and target audiences. However, Sponsored Content tends to be particularly effective for building brand awareness and engaging with a broad audience due to its native appearance in the news feed. Sponsored Messaging also shows high engagement rates by facilitating direct, personalized communication with prospects.

  3. What are LinkedIn Targeted Ads?

    LinkedIn Targeted Ads leverage the platform’s extensive data on user profiles, including job titles, industries, company size, and more, to deliver ads to a specific, relevant audience. This targeted approach ensures that your advertising efforts reach the most appropriate users, maximizing the impact and efficiency of your campaigns.

  4. What is LinkedIn Display Ads?

    LinkedIn Display Ads are visual advertisements that appear on various sections of the LinkedIn site, outside of the user’s main feed. These ads are designed to capture attention through compelling visuals and can be targeted to specific audiences, making them a valuable tool for increasing visibility and driving traffic to your site or landing page.

Photo of Noah Mohamed
( Agency Director/Manager )

As the Agency Director, Noah Mohamed expertly steers the agency’s strategic direction, balancing client acquisition with effective management.

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